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Stellar v1.0 Beta 6 ​

Stop! Don't touch. This beta came right out of the oven.

Stellar beta six layout tab featuring the new settings screen

Warning The blueprint file version was increased to version 6 and has no data fixer upper

Highlights ​

  • Added settings
  • Visual part scaling
  • Powerful selection controls
  • Focus mode
  • Added a few more parts

What's New ​

Create Screen Rework ​

The reworked create screen

Info The last beta introduced the create screen. It was quite bare-bones so it has been spiced up.

  • Added icons to the list of templates that can be used
    • Soon, they will represent whether they were outsourced
    • Join our discord server and submit your templates!
  • Added the Stellar logo near the name and motto
  • Fixed spacing between the word "Stellar" and the version number in the status bar
  • Reordered links to the left in the status bar
  • Removed a random link from the copyright year

Toolbar ​

The new toolbar layout

Info Ever since it was added, it definitely needed more love. Here's the attention that it requires...

Selection controls

  • Selection modification controls
    • "Select Deep" lets you select a part regardless of how deeply buried it is within groups
    • "Select Multiple" enables you to bypass the concurrency of selection
    • "Focus Mode" toggles the new Focus Mode, which lets you... well... focus (with better screen space management)
  • Selection controls
    • Added select/unselect all
    • Moved group/ungroup here
  • Edit controls
    • Moved the delete, rename, lock, and hide buttons here
  • Clipboard controls remain the same
    • Only the copy icon was tweaked
  • The info options were changed from a circled question mark icon to a circled info icon
    • The function essential controls were also finally fully implemented (my bad, lol)
  • Settings were enabled

Settings ​


  • Has a search bar
  • Has a reset button too
  • Interface settings
    • Theme
      • Can toggle between all the implemented themes
      • Only offers Stellar Dark and Stellar Light currently
      • Themes were internally implemented in Beta 5; however, they've now been exposed to the user through the UI
    • Default tab
      • I personally love this one
      • Lets you pick any tab that you want Stellar to open by default
    • Touchscreen mode
      • This was an internal feature introduced in Beta 5 too
      • Rearranges elements of the UI to better work with the available screen space
      • Best left unchanged
    • Language
      • Please help us translate Stellar your language on Crowdin!
      • This was, again, implemented in Beta 5 but has now been exposed
      • Offers a significant amount of languages
      • Join our discord server to request your own language to be added
    • Prompts/notifications
      • Read the prompts section below for more info
      • Prompts to toggle:
        • Orientation
        • Installation
        • Instability
        • Missing parts
  • Editor
    • Undo limit
      • Constrains the maximum number of undo available
      • The default is 512, the maximum is 4096, and the minimum is 16
  • File preferences
    • Format
      • Formats the JSON that is outputted
    • Watermark
      • A watermark that gets added to the exported blueprint files linking to Stellar
    • Default name
      • The default name of a blueprint in case it was created from scratch
      • Best left unchanged for compatibility with the game
  • Debug
    • Debug info
      • Toggle showing advanced debug info on the crash screen

Properties ​

GIF showing a constraint in action

  • Constraints
    • Maintains the ratio between two values


  • Hints
    • Shows a hint when the question mark icon is Active
    • More will be added later

Parts Explorer ​

A Hover part listing

  • Added quick part actions like there were before Beta 5

Parts ​

  • Added hawk engine
  • Added titan engine
  • Added HD textures for a few engines
    • Every part will be reworked in the next beta as we plan to implement all parts

Prompts/Notifications ​

Orientation ​

Orientation prompt

  • Requests you to turn to landscape if you haven't already done so

Welcome ​

Welcome prompt

  • A few quick settings to get started

Unstable ​

Instability warning

  • Warns you about an unstable warning

Installation ​

Installation prompt

  • Lets you know that Stellar can indeed be installed
  • Your device may be eligible for installing Stellar regardless of the notification; read about PWAs

Format ​

  • have been changed from Map<string, Part> to Record<string, Part> because I don't see a point in using a map (the vanilla counterpart being VanillaPart[])
  • There are no data fixer uppers to upgrade from blueprint version 5 to 6, so all old .stbp files are deprecated
  • Most files were switched from export const foo = () => { ... } to export default function foo() { ... } to closely stick to Airbnb styling guides
    • A lot of files still need this change
  • Most core functions were renamed to be less verbose
    • They're no longer all exported from core/*/index.ts as they manage their own default exports now
  • All primitive Foo.Container were renamed to Foo.Root to match Radix UI

We moved technologies from Webpack to Vite, did a bunch of other fancy code stuff, and a million others things that I either forgot to mention here or are too "code-oriented" to be intreating, but none of that matters. We have a great beta at hand! Let's see what the future holds.