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Stellar v1.0 Beta 4

It's finally time for a Stellar lift-off using engines added to Stellar in this beta. This beta is jam-packed with optimizations to ensure Stellar does not serve as the bottleneck in your productivity.

Stellar beta 4 layout tab featuring all the new engines added


❕ This is mostly a technical beta introducing many optimizations and changes to the core engine

  • 4 new engines from the game, including a currently unavailable one in-game!
  • A toolbar full of useful utilities that you will need
  • Cleaner, faster, and more stable visual part bounds
  • Prettier Canvas with even more reliable controls

What's New


An image featuring the Valiant Engine

glTF-based part mesh is currently an experimental feature and is subject to change to maintain parity with the base game

  • Kolibri Engine
    • Meant to be used on small landers
    • Incredibly tiny, 1 x 1.5
  • Valiant Engine
    • Meant to be used in space
    • Very efficient, however, lacking in thrust
    • Medium sized, 1.75 x 2
  • Frontier Engine
    • A large-scale version of the Valiant Engine
    • Quite a chonky boi, 2 x 3.5
  • Peregrine ENgine
    • From the incomplete career mode in Spaceflight Simulator
    • Large, 2 x 2.5


The toolbar features the transform, move, undo, redo, and save buttons

❕ The toolbar is currently incomplete

  • Transform (cursor icon)
    • Used to perform transformations like translations, rotation, and scaling
  • Pan
    • Used to pan around the canvas without worrying about accidentally mutating the blueprint
    • Can also be toggled, temporarily, with the Space key
  • Undo
    • Reverts to the last state
    • Is grayed out when there are no changes to be reverted
    • Undo limit, currently, is 512
  • Redo
    • Reverts the undo
    • Redo data will be lost if the blueprint is mutated after an undo
  • Save
    • Locally saves the blueprint in Stellar's .stbp file format
    • Note that this is different from exporting it to the game; only Stellar understands this format


An image of Fuel Tanks from the previous betaAn image of Fuel Tanks from this beta
  • The grid is now smaller
    • Major marks at every 1m (previously, 5m)
    • Minor marks at every 1/5m (previously, 1m)
  • The lighting is now closer to the game
    • ❕ In-canvas lighting is a temporary feature intended to light up Fuel Tanks; parts should and will be using MeshBasicMaterial with a texture moving onwards


  • 🎉 You can help translate Stellar over at Crowdin!
  • Stellar is progressively replacing all interface strings with data-driven path names

Help Control Menu

What's Changed


  • The maximum zoom has been reduced from 800x to 200x
  • Rewrote the pan controls to resolve an issue where the canvas acted as if it was only half the original size
    • This also made zooming in a lot more precise

What's Removed

Inspect Tab

  • Bounding boxes have been removed for now

Debug Control Menu

  • Orbit controls have been removed for now